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Measuring bathing water quality with IoT

Monitoring bathing water quality with IoT reduces cost, improves coverage and provides real-time measurements. The use of IoT technology offers rich datasets and real-time alerting for bathing water or pollution events.


Internet of Things – Low Power WAN Technologies

An LPWan (Low Power Wide Area Network) is a type of wireless network , well suited for IoT and sensors, where low-power, long-range data communications is a requirement. Typically LPWan technologies have data-rates of less than 100Kbps so are not comparable to broadband, but are well suited to data transmission from IoT sensors.


IoT particulate sensor accuracy – How accurate are they?

How do IoT air particulate sensors compare to the reference-grade equipment used by agencies and Government bodies? In this post, we look at the level of accuracy that can be achieved using the Libelium Smart Environment compared to more expensive reference equipment.


Monitoring water quality with IoT and Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a powerful platform on which you can build your IoT application. We look at how Libelium IoT sensors, Azure IoT Hub and PowerBI can be used to monitor air quality in several easy steps. Data such as pH, ORP and temperature are collected, transmitted using 4G then processed and visualised using Microsoft


Measuring ORP/Redox with IoT

IoT sensors can be used to measure ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) in swimming pools, rivers, lakes and drinking water supplies. In this article, we provide an outline of ORP and its relevance in regards to Smart Water applications. When IoT sensors measure ORP, pH and temperature, the data can be transmitted wirelessly to a database


IoT, Data and the Digital Mirror

The Digital Mirror concept allows residents and businesses to see their reflection in the form of data. A Digital Mirror reflects the collective impact of peoples’ habits and behaviours, illustrates trends, and provides a stark assessment of the current situation. Internet of Things (IoT) forms the very building blocks of a Digital Mirror; taking millions


10 x Benefits of IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS)

We look at Ten Top benefits of our ITaaS (IT as a Service) solution. The way businesses purchase IT and software services has changed. With the onset of cloud applications and software as a service (SaaS), there is a move away from the traditional model of purchasing and IT maintenance, towards a subscription-based delivery model


What can I measure with IoT?

A common question that we are asked at Manx Technology Group is What can you measure with IoT?  To help answer that question, below you will find an extensive list of the sensors that we support. Using Plug & Sense IoT devices, the data can be transmitted and be stored in a database, Azure, AWS

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